Old Control Panel having menu on top

How to disable Firewall via Control Panel
Firewall sets by default, so if not necessary you need to disable or delete firewall settings.  1.  Login to  Control Panel. 2.  Go to VPS > Firewa...
Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 at 4:42 PM
Using Plesk on CentOS7
By default, Cloud VPS comes with preinstalled CentOS6, so you need to recreate it with CentOS7. Please look here for detailed instructions. After recrea...
Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 at 4:56 PM
Recreating server
1. Log in to  Control Panel  . 2. Go to VPS tab and click "Recreate Server". 3. Choose OS and enter root/administrator password. Click "De...
Wed, 1 Jul, 2020 at 6:43 PM